Q4 2020 Artists Funded!
Greetings Faithful Members!
Great news as we announce an exciting line-up for our Q4 2020 round of funded artists (plus one very special project). The Church Elders have cast their votes, and the winner is you! Well, your ears. And the following amazing artists:
Kara Jackson
Kara Jackson is a 20 year-old black, queer singer/songwriter born and raised in Oak Park, Illinois. She is the daughter of country folks. Kara served as the 2019-2020 National Youth Poet Laureate and the 2018 Youth Poet Laureate of Chicago. She is the author of BLOODSTONE COWBOY (Haymarket Books). She grew up surrounded by music, and can’t remember a time where she wasn’t singing.
From nominating Church Elder Macie Stewart: "I first heard Kara perform when they opened up for Kaina at Lincoln Hall a few years ago. I was totally taken aback! I had heard people talking about them around Chicago, but seeing Kara in person was such a treat. Kara's voice and songwriting blew me away. Throughout the pandemic I dove into their stuff some more- and really fell in love with Kara's EP "A Song for Every Chamber of the Heart". I'm inspired by their ability to write songs that feel as if they may have always existed- songs that are deep but also have such a playful grasp on language and gorgeous chord structure. Fun fact: Kara was also named "National Youth Poet Laureate" in 2019. I'm so happy that Kara was awarded this grant from CoN, because they truly deserve it- I know they are in the process of creating something really special already. "
You can find Kara on Instagram, Twitter, and Bandcamp.
Lung is a rock band that consists of Kate Wakefield (cello, vocals) and Daisy Caplan (drums). Their sound is dark and commanding, evoking the driving sludge of early grunge with layered sinister undertones. Coming together in early 2016, Lung tallied over 500 shows in 13 countries pre-pandemic, touring both independently and with contemporaries from Shellshag to Street Sects. Pandemic times have found them obsessively writing music over email, practicing (when safe) and preparing multiple new records for release in 2021. Lung was nominated by Church Elder CJ Boyd.
You can find Lung on Facebook, Instagram, and Bandcamp.

Haunting and melodic, drenched in lo-fi analogue tones of both hope and longing, SourceLightForce creates powerful music out of simple tones. The lyrics and chords evoke simplicity of a quiet understanding for the highs and lows of life. SLF is a great reminder that we all need to step back from the busyness of our lives to listen to that inner voice. SLF was nominated by Church Elder Yoni Wolf from our online submissions.
From nominating Church Elder Yoni Wolf: "I first encountered SLF on a spreadsheet of artists applying for CoN grants. I didn’t expect to find anything mind-blowing on that list but I wanted to do my due diligence and sure enough there were several excellent projects. But it was SLF that caught my ear most. It was so unassuming and raw. It was as if these little treasures were preserved on tape for the artist’s own personal reasons. There’s so much intimacy and longing and joy in those recordings. And there was really no information about the artist. For some reason this felt refreshing to me— reminded me of the old days when I was first getting into underground music and searching out old hissy tapes of some stranger pouring their heart out. SLF feels like that. And returning to the songs feels like putting on an old sweater that might be a little worn out and faded but it fits so perfectly and keeps you so warm and cozy."
From the artist: "i write these songs to soothe myself as i wade through the formidable muck of life. If they can fulfill the same purpose for anyone else wading similarly, then I will die a happy little hungry ghost :) If you are reading this, I would love you to remember you are one hundred million percent unique, a limited edition of ONE Magnificent run, and Nothing compares 2U!!! I hope to encourage you to sing your own little heart out, sing your troubles to bed, sing yourself or someone else, down off the ledge!! I think there is something rooting for each and every one of us..some....Thing....so please, feel strong my sweet friends! There is happy grazing in the Torus Fields! And even if you don't buy Thing Theory ;) at least You can be the THING that is rooting for You! And by extension chords, all other Beings :) Don't Give Up Now! There is peace and love in the Unified Field!! :)))
PS, I'd also like to say to you who are reading that even if you don't think you have enough skills, I don't believe you need to be a master of any instrument to give vent to your heart's content! I am certainly no master of any of my instruments but I love to just keep plugging away regardless ;D I don't think the soul needs a masterful instrument to be able to play. It's like a hare - it can get through any gap in the Hedge!! :))) One of the nicest things that can be ever said to another person - "YOU are the Real Deal :)" Isn't it incredible how each of us is in fact, the realest deal that was ever dealt - I know that you are there and I am so happy!!!"
You can find SourceLightForce on YouTube, Facebook, Bandcamp, and Soundcloud.
Gray Area Cassette Series
Featuring 10 different artists and side-projects from the extended family of Joyful Noise Recordings. The Gray Area series is a vehicle for various adventurous artists to release their new albums, with one album released each month on digital and cassette. Participating artists include: Arguing With Hurricanes (feat. Kristian from El Ten Eleven), Berry (from White Label Series), Daniel Paquette (from Abner Trio), Love of Everything (feat. Bobby from Joan of Arc), Missing Sons (feat. Kristian from El Ten Eleven), MoogStar (from Swamp Dogg), Salsa Chest (feat. William from Reptar), Semicircle (feat. Andrew from Reptar), Sudden Hex (feat. Jason from Helvetia), and Typical Sisters (feat. Matt from Ohmme).
100% of the Church of Noise grant is being funneled directly to these amazing artists.
Due to your generosity, all of this amazing music will now exist!
Thank you for supporting adventurous art!
xo, the Elders