100% of the membership funds benefit adventurous art. Funds are used to cover hard costs for albums and artistic projects, and are also granted directly to struggling artists. We are committed to complete financial transparency. All of those involved are volunteers. So we truly can pay through 100% of the funds you donate to these artists. Each time a project is funded and each time an artist is awarded a grant, that information will be communicated to all members, and will be documented in our quarterly art zine. So you will know exactly where your donations went... and you’ll be able to know that you contributed to keeping meaning for arts and culture alive during this very weird time.
You can be a member of our church if you’re an atheist or a Southern Baptist or anything in between. We are a non-theistic group, and our only mission is to fund meaningful music.
As a member, you'll get access to our Discord server, where you can chat with other members, supporters, and "church elders."
Your membership is also tax deductible. When you sign up, we'll send you the info for writing this off on your taxes.
Click here to see our nonprofit information.
Because of you, the future of music can be a little brighter.